The divorce process includes requirements for both parties to submit financial affidavits that detail assets, liabilities and current income details. These forms contribute to the determination of asset distribution, child support and even alimony. They are legal documents and as such must be accurate.
Sometimes, there are questions about the accuracy of those affidavits. Here are some instances when you might want a forensic accountant to verify the information.
Do you suspect your spouse is hiding assets?
Hiding assets is more common than you might think in divorce proceedings because the party in question believes that they can come out of the divorce with half of all of the listed assets plus whatever they hid from the court along the way. If you review the financial affidavits and have reason to believe that your ex has assets that were not disclosed, a forensic accountant may be able to find them.
Is there a chance that your spouse is working under the table?
Most people understand that child support and alimony calculators rely on the income of both parties to determine the amount of the payments. Some parties in a divorce will go to work under the table so they can artificially deflate their earnings on the financial affidavits. A forensic accountant can uncover the cash deposits and other resources to prove this.
Remember that the financial settlement process is often the most contentious part of a divorce. Recognize when a forensic accountant can help you preserve the integrity of the process and get the asset division you deserve.