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How to modify spousal support after a job loss

On Behalf of | Jun 5, 2024 | Family Law |

Losing a job can bring financial strain, especially when spousal support payments are involved. Changes in employment status often require a reassessment of financial obligations to ensure fairness for both parties.

Understanding how to modify a spousal support agreement is important for managing these changes effectively.

Understanding support modifications

Spousal support modifications are changes to the original agreement. The court considers several factors when deciding whether to grant a modification. These include the reason for the job loss, the efforts to find new employment, and the financial needs of both parties.

Proving a significant change

To modify spousal support, the person requesting the change must prove a significant change in circumstances. Job loss alone is not always enough. The court looks at whether the loss was voluntary or involuntary. They also consider the length of unemployment and the impact on the payer’s ability to meet financial obligations.

Filing a motion to modify support

The first step to modify spousal support is filing a motion with the court. This motion must include detailed information about the job loss and its financial impact. It is important to gather documentation such as termination letters, unemployment benefits and job search records. This evidence supports the request for modification.

Attending a court hearing

After filing the motion, the court schedules a hearing, which both parties must attend. During the hearing, the judge reviews the evidence and listens to arguments from both sides. The judge then decides whether to grant the modification based on the presented information.

Considering temporary modifications

Sometimes, the court will grant temporary modifications to spousal support. These temporary changes help ease financial strain while the unemployed party looks for a new job. Temporary modifications can provide immediate relief but require follow-up to establish a long-term solution.

Addressing spousal support modifications after a job loss is necessary for both parties to manage their financial obligations and maintain stability.